Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our weekend

I know it has been awhile since I have updated this thing. I hate writing new posts and not having any pictures to go with it, but they are still all on the camera. I always write while I am at work (I work at a computer lab and it is totally allowed!) but I never have pictures with me. I usually make Brad send them to me via email, but finals start on Monday so he is just a tad busy. Awe the joys of finals... However, I am absolutely thrilled to announce that these are the last finals I will ever take! Wow, that just feels good to say. This Thursday is the last class I will ever take. Mmm... that feels equally as good. I am SO EXCITED to be done! Well I am not completely done, I still have my student teaching next semester. I was pretty bummed to find out that I will be in Jordan school district, which means I could have to drive an hour there and an hour back every single day M-F. I haven't found out which school I will be at yet, but we are praying for the closest school. Brad punched some numbers and found out that this one semester in my super-duper economical explorer (sarcasm) could cost $1500 in gas. Hence the praying.

So we had a pretty eventful weekend. Friday we had Sam and Katie's bachelor/bachelorette parties. Brad and the boys went surfing - there is this place that shoot water down a lane and you can surf. I don't exactly understand it, but it was fun watching the videos of the guys falling over. For Katie's we ordered pizza, bought lots of junk food, watched a chick flick, and played Nertz. I guess us girls are a little bit cheaper than the fellas...

On Saturday we went up to Salt Lake for a little date. First, we went shopping like crazy. We did good though because we only have Brad's dad left and then we will be officially done with Christmas shopping! At least we are on top of something at the moment. During our shopping trip, I had my first experience with the Quilted Bear. Holy moley that is one adorable store! I wanted to buy EVERYTHING! I honestly think we went down each aisle twice.

After shopping Brad took me to a restaurant I have never been to before, Spaghetti
Factory. It was crazy packed and we were seated at the smallest table there which was right next to the stairs. It was kind of awkward since we couldn't fit our salad plates, drinks and meal plates all at the same time, but that added to the charm of it. It was really fun, and quite delicious. Mmm how I love me some tortellini.

We then went to Brad's parents' house and spent the night. We celebrated Alli's birthday the next day with a great dinner and a extremely tasty chocolate chip bunt cake. Overall, it was a great weekend. Now we will be doing projects and doing finals for the next two weeks nonstop... so it was nice to have a little fun before the sadness that is finals.

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